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The Center offers QI Essentials, four-hour training sessions specifically for frontline providers, including nurses, physician assistants, social workers, pharmacists, project managers, psychiatrists, and other allied health providers. These in-person workshops teach participants to apply common techniques in QI, through interactive teaching and facilitated group exercises. The curriculum covers AIM statements, process mapping, driver diagrams, PDSA cycles, run charts, and more. These workshops deliver a high-yield introduction to QI skills, perfect for the busy individual who may not have time to complete the Certificate Program in Patient Safety and Quality or a Master of Health Administration. 

We offer QI Essentials to small teams and entire clinical units both within and outside the UW Medicine system. We have done series of QI Essentials for the UW Chief Medical Office and Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, among other groups.

These 4-hour trainings teach:

  • The fundamentals of Quality Improvement (QI) tools
  • AIM statement development
  • Process mapping techniques
  • Baseline measurements
  • Creation of a driver diagram
  • Effective utilization of Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycles
  • Creation of run charts to measure quality improvement efforts

Upon completion of this workshop, attendees should be able to: 

  1. Apply a driver diagram in the conceptual design of a quality improvement project.
  2. Plot data on a run chart for basic analysis of quality data over time
  3. Identify barriers and facilitators of QI project success in their clinical environment

Participants are encouraged to come with a project idea in mind to discuss how to apply the QI principles directly to their project during small group breakouts.

We currently do not have any QI Essentials workshops on the upcoming schedule. If you are interested in organizing a QI Essentials workshop for your group, please contact us